Does it make sense to use authorization code flow ...
# general
Does it make sense to use authorization code flow in a SPA? I mean I could use resource owner password flow for the SPA
Resource Owner Password Credentials flow is deprecated as it leaks credentials to the client application.
It is even completely omitted from OAuth 2.1 specification.
Thanks Stepan! We also have a blogpost going a bit into some unsafe OAuth2.0 practices for SPAs and what you can use instead:
Also check out this more recent tutorial if you want to add sign up and login to a SPA , it will be much less complex than PKCE:
@magnificent-energy-493 Your next app IS using Resource Owner Password Credentials Flow.
that example is not using OAuth in any way, it uses Kratos and its API flows
I recommend to move this to either #hydra or #kratos, depending on what you actually use
Why doesnt it throw the Error that the Request has Origin header when it is utilizing an API Flow?
Then we will add Ory's Next.js Edge-Integration helpers to our project, which will act as a tunnel to Ory Kratos.
i.e. there is a backend proxy between the SPA and kratos
So it fakes a resource owner password grant?
this has nothing to do with oauth2
it just posts the credentials and gets a session cookie as a response
hmm, and because it uses a session cookie instead of bearer or MAC token it is considered to be not oauth2?
kratos is no oauth2 provider, it only allows first-party login it does NOT use oauth2
👍 1
it has it's own APIs and stuff, not related to oauth2 (which is a standard that dictates all the APIs)
As others mentioned, resource owner password flow is not a good option and the spec mentions not to go with it unless you really trust the client