Hi! :wave: I was wondering if there's a way to imp...
# general
Hi! 👋 I was wondering if there's a way to import the Go packages from
that live under
in your own Go project. E.g. to leverage the low-level behavior from the internal packages but without running Kratos and Keto standalone. (Please ignore for a moment the very valid question/argument of why you would even want to do such a thing).
I guess you have to work with a fork, as go itself does not let you import those
but why would you even want to do such a thing? 😜
😂 3
I could see myself building a (micro) SaaS, leveraging the various projects from the Ory ecosystem, but (initially) avoid the mental/operational overhead (even though pretty minimal) of running separate services for auth-z.
hm I see, so you want to bundle them as one binary?
Another use case would be to use a custom storage backend (e.g. for Spanner or DynamoDB) -- but maybe this is possible already?
hm I see, so you want to bundle them as one binary?
Yes. As a dev it would be pretty sweet if I can take all the sweetness of Ory (e.g. OIDC, crypto best practices, Google Zanzibar implementation) but without the RPC/ transport side
I recommend you import the commands instead, it is 💯 % possible to run keto (and I think also kratos) from within go: https://gist.github.com/zepatrik/8616cc59843fd8f4ad88a3fe1e7078b3
but that still starts a server and you need to interface through http
problem is: we don't have internal API stability, and we will probably never have that
Yeah; I figured that's the reason they're
in the first place
Would be cool if (eventually) the API stabilizes even more to make them non-internal, or separate Go modules perhaps?
we could at some point expose public functions that talk to the internal API, but only provide high level capabilities similar to the APIs
💡 1
Similar to how Caddy for instance imports CertMagic, but you can also import and use CertMagic embedded in your own Go projects for automatic TLS management
it will never be feasable to expose all internal details IMO
but some go interface makes sense at some point
not in the near future IMO though
👍 1
Thanks for the quick response and elaborating/exploring! 🙏