Hey folks. I've been investigating ory/fosite and ...
# general
Hey folks. I've been investigating ory/fosite and happened to notice that for fosite construct there is this
that sets the template for authorization response when the request has response_mode=form_post. I can see the potential of that being an option upon init that we can provide an optional template (probably via an opts method). But currently I don't think there is a way to do that. Is there any plan to do so? If not I'm happy to drop some code to support that. Appreciate some feedback and suggestions. 🙏
@User maybe you can help here? Thanks!
Idk, sorry. I'm not from Ory nor the contributor to fosite 😞
ah cool thanks!
sorry for tagging but maybe @User or @User has an idea?
I think this would be beneficial since it allows dynamic template formatting and gives the control to hydra, which is a good improvement IMO
hey, sounds like a good idea, feel free to submit a PR 🙂
🙏 1
awesome, thanks @User
Test failed to the PR, but it looks like a failure when testing hydra. not sure how to address it.
@User Thanks for merging this! I see that this commit is labeled as v0.0.0. Do we want to keep it as-is or move to maybe v.0.42.1? I want to test it with my local change so a better tag might be helpful 🙏
I think there will be a proper minor release for it soon. v.0.0.0. is "unreleased".
Got it. Thank you @User!
we released it! 🙂
Yup saw it. Awesome thanks @User!