Trying to find a proper OAuth/OIDC training course...
# general
Trying to find a proper OAuth/OIDC training course for my team using Hydra & Kratos. Does such a thing exist?
The closes thing would be the documentation: The "Concept" sections really go in depth with these topiccs. I am also happy to point you to specific resources - it would help if you could narrow the problem down a little bit. What are you looking to solve by using Ory Hydra & Kratos?
Thanks, but the documentation is the problem and why I'm looking for something else. Most of the examples are so generic, showing a service simply running, that I end up having to explain how it works in real world examples. It's also so text-heavy, with almost zero diagrams (can't think of even one actually) that it burns people out.
Thanks for the feedback Fred. We have plans to provide some more palatable documentation for these things in the near future! From the top of your head, what is a real life example that describes your use case well?