is there list of ory / hydra / kratos consultants ...
# general
is there list of ory / hydra / kratos consultants available for hire? i'd happily pay a hydra pro to help stand up a new environment to see how it's supposed to be done.
Our agency just recently set up Kratos and Hydra for a project we are working on. It is currently in production for a few users and we are about to launch the project at the end of April. We would love to chat about your use case, shoot me a dm with more details and we can hop in a google meet and chat!
The request would be specifically to NOT use a hosted implementation.
Yes we host kratos and hydra ourselves
Understood. I’m confused at your initial reply. It sounded as if you were looking to host for us. Are you offering to consult and perform a setup for us to host?
Sorry Fred. What I meant is that we have experience setting up a project that uses production kratos and hydra. I understand you are looking for a consultant and I would be happy to hop in a meeting and chat. Although we can host it for you, my only intention was to help you set up hydra for your use case.
Sweet! Can you PM me your details?
I'm also interested, specifically looking at a migration from Firebase Auth
I was looking through here the other day and planning on asking