Is it possible to authenticate using MetaMask and ...
# general
Is it possible to authenticate using MetaMask and other wallets??
Hi @User I'm not familiar with MetaMask, but if they are using an OAuth2 + oidc protocol, you could just add them as a generic oidc provider in Kratos. What is the use case and where would you like Ory to fit into that?
Oh we wanted a solid authentication with the User's wallet only
And solutions like Web3Modal or are good, but Kratos offers much more and comes with batteries included (HelmCharts/Docker-Compose).
We don't want a classic login, absolutely against it and we are looking for a well-architected solution that keeps our users safe.
So the wallet is proving they are who they say they are and kratos should just issue/manage the session?
overkill I guess, yeah we've settled down to a less complex solution with a rust backend that keeps the session and adds jwt+csrf